Three Ways to Leverage 5-Axis Machining to Win More Jobs

Errol Burrell

Manufacturers of virtually every size and within almost every industry have production processes that require or could benefit from 5-axis CNC machine tools. This is especially true for manufacturers looking to grow their businesses by bidding on and winning more complex jobs. Given this reality, this article will explore ways in which manufacturers can leverage 5-axis CNC machining capabilities to secure more business opportunities.

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As product designs for many products become more intricate and complex, manufacturers are forced to adhere to stringent production specifications and tolerances. These detailed part designs require machining technologies that can produce the desired part on time and within spec. The precision offered by 5-axis machines allows you to meet those tight tolerances and bid on more complex and profitable parts, thereby expanding your business potential.

In many instances a machine shop devoid of 5-axis technology on their floor may find it difficult to achieve tighter tolerances. Normally a complex, prismatic part would need to be moved from one machine to another, or require multiple setups on a single machine. Eliminating that extra step and machining the part using a single setup means that tight tolerances are consistently achievable. This type of accuracy renders peace of mind for both you and your customer.


For some potential customers, shop capabilities are a consideration during the vendor selection process. Having 5-axis machines on your shop floor not only makes a good visual impression for potential customers, but it also allows you to speak to the more advanced machining capabilities offered by your shop.

Additionally, many industries, from aerospace to automotive to medical, have expectations for high accuracy machining and require every part to be machined quickly and within certain parameters. That standard is difficult to maintain on non-5-axis machines, and buyers know that. When there are likely competitors with 5-axis machining capabilities, you may have to pass on jobs – or have buyers pass on you – if your shop isn’t equipped to produce their needed parts.


Beyond simply their advanced machining capabilities, 5-axis machines offer value that contributes to a better ROI for you and better pricing for your potential buyers. Five-axis machining is more efficient, more accurate and often renders faster production times. This translates to an increased ability to price more accurately, competitively, and profitably, which can make or break your ability to win jobs.

It will also save you money on custom fixtures and tooling. If a 3-axis machine can machine most of a part with one fixture but requires another fixture or setup to finish, that requires additional time and resources that cut into the efficiency and value of that part. Taking all of this into account, it is clear that 5-axis machines enhance your ability to price competitively and accurately.

Want to learn more about how 5-axis machines can make a difference on your shop floor? Explore our 5-axis machines and discover why investing in 5-axis technology is the right decision for your manufacturing operations.

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