5 Safety Tips for Service Technicians During COVID-19

Mike Hampton

The dynamics of a field service technician’s job have definitely changed over the course of the pandemic. Additional administrative paperwork, anxiety, enhanced cleanliness, and safety measures are now a priority along with adapting to new procedures and policies.

Due to these changes, overall job completion time has increased and working conditions are challenging. Safety protocols and patience are crucial to successfully navigating this unusual time.


PPE is now standard issue for everyone working in a public setting. The CDC recommends wearing a mask and it’s definitely a good preventive measure to help minimize the spread of COVID-19. However, working in climate and non-climate controlled settings with a mask can pose additional difficulties. Masks that are seamless and designed to slip over and secure behind the head instead of the ears are more comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. Some plants require N95 masks, so PPE requirements must be checked in advance.

Safety glasses are also more susceptible to fogging up when wearing a mask. Applying shaving cream or soapy water to the inside of the glasses and then rinsing and wiping with a soft cloth can help keep them fog-free. Another tip is to make sure the mask fits securely over the bridge of the nose, limiting the amount of warm air that escapes.


Enhanced cleaning measures are standard practice. Take the time to wipe down high-touch areas, the workspace, and toolbox with disinfectant, and wash hands before beginning work and after completion. Most companies supply disinfecting products and wipes, but it’s a good idea to bring your own as well.


It’s no surprise that headcounts in most facilities are much lower now than pre-COVID-19 times. Jobs that would have previously required multiple service technicians working together are performed by one technician. In many cases, a second or third set of hands is priceless and essential when performing tasks in the field and those extra hands aren’t available anymore. Technicians need to be creative and flexible with work schedules and tools. Depending on the job, technicians may be scheduled at various times to service a job.

Additionally, project sign off was previously performed in-person and on site. Many are now handled by email which may cause delays and possibly increase the overall project timeline.


With COVID-19, there are still so many unknowns about how the virus is transmitted, so travelling to service calls comes with a bit of anxiety for technicians as they rely on customers, hotels, airlines, gas stations, and restaurants to follow protocols and guidelines to keep them safe. For some peace of mind, it’s best to contact these various places in advance to get details on how these guidelines are being followed and put into practice.


In this industry, we all know relationships are key – customers are like family. Unfortunately, greetings have changed. It was common to shake hands, give a high five, and even give out hugs when greeting customers at their facility. Now, a distance of six feet needs to be maintained while interacting with customers and greetings are a thumbs up or virtual hug. It’s quite an adjustment, but hopefully soon we can get back to those real handshakes and hugs.

Please continue to follow CDC and state-mandated recommendations regarding COVID-19 for the safety and well-being of our valued service technicians.

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